Green Tone Bits

MP3Jing free bits since 2009

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Session #15 A (Double-Sided Special)

Projecto no.1, Lisboa, Portugal

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The fifteenth Green Tone Bits session is just a few days away.
Double yay!

Mark your calendars: Friday, 18 June 2010, from 22:30 to 02:00 GMT and… Saturday, 19 June 2010, from 18:00 to 20:00 GMT.
Mark your calendars: Saturday, 19 June 2010, from 18:30 to 20:00 GMT and… from 22:30 to 02:00 GMT.

This session is yet another special event: like those cool vinyl records, it’s a double-sided session. Also, unlike the previous sessions, this one won’t take place on a Friday, but on a Saturday.
So, to sum up: there will be two sessions on June 19.

A-Side will be a shorter session, taking place at Projecto no.1. And before you ask…

“Project no.1 is an temporary artistic laboratory that aims to simultaneously integrate a workspace , cultural manifestations and also a experimental bakery.”

in Projecto no.1 blog

We were kindly invited to provide the soundtrack to the colour+food experience (an artistic experience based on food and food colouring – and you can expect green-coloured food, of course), part of the Experimental Bakery of Projecto no.1.

Projecto no.1 is located at Rua da Atalaia 31, 1200-037, Lisbon [map] – former place of the Lisbon Lomography Embassy, right in the heart of Bairro Alto.

B-Side will be taking place at Ogâmico [map], our headquarters, starting at 22:30.

As usual, both sessions will be streamed to the website (and you can listen to the sets live) and we’ll load your mp3 player with the previous sessions’ playlist at both events as well.

With a double-sided session, you have even fewer excuses to miss it! See you soon!

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