Green Tone Bits

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A Ride in the Wayback Machine

Published on by Dinis Correia


Steampunk Time Machine

Photo by conradoplg. Some rights reserved

Green Tone Bits is alive and kicking! We may have been silent around here, but we’ve been busy in 2012. Let’s take a ride in the wayback machine, shall we?

Early in the year, we were at the first Lisbon Netaudio festival. Shortly after, we turned 3, with a special session at Florida After Seven – the after-work event, by Hotel Florida and Quodis, which has since become our host.

We took part in two cultural events: in July we provided the soundtrack to Jan van Bruggen‘s exhibition, Compressed – an opening and closing,  in two parts (side A and side B), for which we rehashed our chiptune set from session #14.  More recently, we curated and live mixed (with David Costa) the music for Valentim Quaresma‘s Kaleidoscope show at ModaLisboa Pulse – Spring/Summer 2013.

At September’s edition of Florida After Seven, we rocked the Lisbon Digital Week and LXJS peeps/geeks, reviving the set from our session #19.

The playlists from sessions #20, #21 and #24 are finally available for download (shame on us, but hey, better late than never): more than 7 hours of music, over 100 tracks, covering enough genres to make anyone happy (folk, pop, lo-fi, glitch, hip-hop, R&B, rock, electro, idm, electronica, surf-rock and others).

And this brings us to today: we are less than a month away from the next session. It will take place at Florida After Seven (as usual) on November 22 - be there! We would love to tell you that if you can’t make it you can listen to the live streaming online… but we are still struggling with some technical issues (and that’s why we haven’t streamed the latest sessions as well). We’re working on that and we’ll try to have it working as soon as possibly.

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